About Us
St John's Church Eco Team
The construction of the Church of St John the Evangelist building in the growing estate community of Kingston Park, on the western edge of Newcastle upon Tyne was completed in December 1991.
The church’s original vision included that the church premises would be used by other groups in the community, quickly becoming an attractive and comfortable venue for a wide variety of meetings and activities, clubs and classes, as well as those connected with the life of the local Christian church community.
From the outset the church had a strong ethos of concern for the environment and God’s created world and this has been further strengthened during the recent pandemic and inspired by the Newcastle Diocese initiative to reduce the carbon footprint of churches and for them to work towards Eco Church status.
In the summer of 2021, St John’s church appointed its first Environment Advocate, John Gardener, closely followed by setting up an Eco Team group of church members committed to guiding St John’s towards becoming a greener and more sustainable church.
St John’s Eco Team compiled a 5-step Environmental Plan, incorporating the five Target Areas set out in this website, with the objective of achieving two Primary Objectives:
Becoming a Carbon-neutral Church
Becoming an Eco-Church
Follow us as we work towards achieving these objectives, highlighting actions and activities that work and help towards achieving the targets, as well as those that maybe don’t turn out to be as helpful.
If you wish to find out more about our plan, the activities we engage in and what resources we find helpful, or if you have some advice or tips of your own you would like to pass on, then please do get in touch on our contact page.