Reaching out to our Community:
Promoting and Raising Awareness
Raising awareness of environmental issues and encouraging community involvement in reducing their own carbon footprint
Reaching out to our Community: Promoting and Raising Awareness
- Use KP Life magazine to promote recycling and other ECO measures, concerns and information.
- Signage around the biodiversity grounds areas to inform and educate visitors and local community residents.
- To plan and put on talks and events about environmental issues and concerns to help inform and educate local community residents.
What we've done:
September 2021
St John's Eco Team website constructed.
A local survey was conducted into the range of recycling opportunities and possibilities within the community, ready to disseminate on local community social media pages and within community Kingston Park Life magazine.
October 2021
St John's Recycling and Eco event
Community event raising awareness of recycling current good practice and schemes as well as local Eco produce and sellers and an information hub of local eco businesses and services.